Saturday, January 30, 2010

Time Flies!!

I apologize for the ridiculously long break in between posts. We will try to be better in the future :) A lot has happened since then! We found homes for 4 of the puppies (Ally, Bruiser, Sarah, and Tebow) and we kept Ace and Bella for ourselves. It's been quite an adventure having them, and I can't really remember what life was like before them- except maybe quieter! Here is a quick rundown of what we have been up to:

In November we:
  • visited Florida to see family and see Ben & Shelby get married!
  • Hosted the entire Bailey and Hesser families for a big, fun Thanksgiving out here in New Mexico
  • Started puppy obedience classes (oh how far we have come from this point and how far we still have to go!)
  • Took 4 days and drove to Myrtle Beach, SC to see family. We took the puppies with us!
  • Drove from MB to High Springs, FL to have Christmas with my family! It was fun. The puppies LOVED it there!
  • Left the puppies with my family, and traveled to Seneca, SC to have a belated Hesser Christmas with Scott, Marcia, and Ty's parents!
  • Spent an awesome New Years in Savannah, GA with even more awesome friends!
  • Made the trip back to New Mexico from Florida in 3 days. Crazy!
  • Flew out to Philadelphia 5 days after we got back from Florida to attend Cass & Mike's amazing wedding, while there we rented a car and spent a wonderful few days with my aunt & uncle in Maryland. Fun times!
  • Pups graduated from their first obedience class, and went straight into their novice class. They are also taking a puppy fun agility class and they LOVE it!
There are no immediate plans to travel for us and we are enjoying it. We loved all of our trips but there is something to be said for not having to live out of a suitcase for awhile. We just joined a gym and that has been keeping us busy. It's no Gator CrossFit, but it will do for now :) Ty is able to do all the CrossFit workouts with their equipment and that makes him happy. I have been taking BodyPump classes (kind of like CrossFit Jr.!) and some dance classes. Fun, sore times ahead for us. I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of the pups. We are pretty much like those annoying parents that don't talk about anything but their kids. Sorry! Wait til we actually have kids, yikes. Oh and I mean wait.. like 5 years :) haha.

We miss everyone! Come out and visit!